
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

110 bytes added, 15:11, 24 February 2023
/* Limitations */
* uIDE may not be compatible with certain types of IDE device (CF cards, DOMs).
* There is no driver support for IDE CD drives.
* There is no I have not provided driver support for uIDE-16 on the CPC 6128 yet. I'm working on itHowever, please see the [ HDCPM thread]
* Any IDE device connected to uIDE should support IDE-ATA 8-bit data transfer mode. If you connect a device which only supports 16-bit mode, you may find it is incompatible or has half the expected space available (this is because in ATA 16 bit transfer mode, the interface only uses 8 of the possible 16 transfer bits).
* IDE devices must also support LBA (logical block addressing) mode (for my drivers).