
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

127 bytes added, 21:47, 14 March 2017
/* Some tips for using the CP/M programs on the disk image */
* Download the manuals from the N8VEM website!
* Be aware that these programs and applications were written for CP/M 2.2 and some of them might not work on CP/M Plus.
* Many of the games are a bit poo. Remember, it's all text based, but if you fancy hunting a Wumpus or playing Trek, or even trying a classic Infocom adventure, you've come to the right place.
* In C0 there are versions of some programs that are specific for your machine. Always use these in preference to any version found elsewhere on the image. For example, ZSID.COM and KERMIT.COM on the PCW image are PCW specific.
* Where a program or application needs you to tell it what type of terminal you are using, choose "Zenith" or "Heath". These are closest to what the PCW emulates.