
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

308 bytes added, 21:32, 14 March 2017
/* Warnings */
* If you are using a Z80 shim, take great care when removing the Z80 from its socket, and inserting it in the shim's socket. Attach the Z80 bus cable to the shim before attempting to plug it into the computer's Z80 socket, and again, take care when doing so. If your shim was assembled by me, the pins are gold plated and quite thin so as not to damage your computer's Z80 socket. They are easily broken, so be gentle.
* Pay attention to the orientation of expansion adapter cards on the back of the PCW. Fit them with the LED at the top (8256/8512). 6128 and PCW 9512 adapters are fitted on their side, with the LED right most as you face the rear of the machine. Refer to the section on connecting for pictures.
* The Z80 shims are fitted with unboxed pin headers to save space. Pin 1 is labelled "A11" and has a square pad.
* 40 way IDC cables identify the side where pin 1 is situated by having the outer wire coloured (usually red). Look at the pictures (especially of the Z80 shims) and ensure you fit it correctly.
== Correct way to connect the uIDE boards to the computer's expansion port ==