
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

18 bytes added, 14:43, 11 March 2017
/* Interpreting results */
=== Interpreting results ===
'''The diagnostic result ''' shows the values of the Status and Error registers
in hexadecimal, following an IDE Diagnostic command (90h).
The Error register is only valid if bit zero of the Status register is set.
Refer to the IDE spec, Section 9.7 ("Execute drive diagnostic") for details.
'''The Summary information ''' returns the text fields from the IDE Identify Drive
command (ECh). They are the Model Number ("CtrlModl"), Serial Number
("CtrlSer") and Firmware Revision ("CtrlRev") fields from Table 10 in the
If XTEST reports the drive is not found or times out, or you do not get a sensible looking result in the text fields, it is likely that your uIDE is connected incorrectly, there was an error in assembly or configuration, or you are using an IDE device that is not compatible. The IDE device should return meaningful values. For example, the 128Mb PQi DOMs return "PQI IDE DiskOnModule" in the CtrlModel field (space paddded).
'''The full report ''' contains all the fields returned by the IDE Identify Drive
command (ECh). Refer to Table 10 in the IDE spec (Identify Drive, Section
9.9). The fields are identified by a word offset, but XTEST uses a specific label for each.