
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

2,382 bytes added, 10:49, 19 February 2017
* 20 uIDE-8
* 20 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite"
'''Update 18/02/17:''' The first three uIDE prototype boards have arrived from OSH Park. They are very, very pretty. I built two of them and they both work. See the forum thread linked to below for details and pictures.
Note: The boards I will provide will be red or blue (but mostly blue).
== Feature list ==
The provisional PCW driver suite can be downloaded here: [[File:Xdriver PCW suite|framed|All Board BOM]].
== CP/M Plus version requirements ==
To use the PCW uIDE xdriver, you must have a version of CP/M Plus that supports FID ("field installable driver") files.
* On the PCW8256 and 8512 the lowest FID supporting version is 1.14. That's "one dot fourteen" so if (like me) you have v1.4, yours is too old.
* On the PCW9512 you should be OK. I have v2.15.
Refer to [] for more details.
If you find your CP/M Plus version is too old, it should be sufficient to replace the EMS file on your boot disk with a later one. The file containing CP/M is named like "JnnCPM3.EMS" or "JnnCPM3.EMT". The nn indicates the version number so for example "J14CPM3.EMS" is version 1.4. If your boot disk's CPM file has a ".EMS" extension and you want to use a file with ".EMT", just rename it (and visa-versa).
== Connecting a CF card to uIDE instead of a DOM ==
[[File:Cf adapter power mod.jpg|200px||left|]]
Not recommended due to compatibility problems with some types of CF card, but if you really must, you need a cheapo IDE to CF card adapter and you should either connect its 5v input to the uIDE CF_PWR header (being VERY careful about the polarity) or modify the adapter so that IDE Pin 20 is connected to the 5v power socket, as shown on the left. The thin copper wire that goes from the IDE plug to the small component next to the power socket is the mod. You should check with a meter that these are correct for your adapter. Some adapters already have this connection, so try yours before modding it. You should see its power light come on if it is properly connected.
== CF Card compatibility list ==
My intention is to maintain a list here of which CF cards work with uIDE, and which do not. So:
{| class="wikitable"
! Card make / type !! Comments
| Verbatim 64MB CF card || works
| Dane-Elec 512MB CF card (C1 512 D-SA) || works (this card identifies as a Samsung)
| Kingston CF 16GB 266X || not compatible, will not identify
| STEC 128MB CF SLCF128MM1U || not compatible, will not identify
== Prices ==
This is a summary of the prices I have posted to the forum so far.
I am sorry that the assembled prices are what they are, but it is a time consuming and dreary job, not to mention the effort and cost to acquire the parts. I encourage self build!