
Locomotive BASIC

1,416 bytes added, 13:16, 16 September 2011
/* USING */
==== <code>USING</code> ====
: [The USING assignement defines the format of the PRINT output.Its appointment happens by characters where each has a certain meaning'''Numbers / Figures''': the character: :'''#''' stands for a figure between 0 - 9:'''.]''' stands for a decimal point:'''+''' generates a positive sign if the value is positive:'''-''' generates a negative sign if the value is nagative:'''**''' generates a asterix for each empty "location" before the printed character:'''$$''' generates a Dollar characters before the printed character (the same with the pound note):''',''' generates a comma every each three decimals (thousands per figure) and has to be set before the decimal point or at the end if without a decimal point.:^ generates a scientific notation (with exponents) and a the end of the format appointment '''Strings''': the character::'''!''' prints out only the first character:'''\xxx\''' prints out only with x-numbers defined length of the string (from left to right). x means a blank sign made with the space bar:'''&''' the whole string is printed out as given (unknown function) : a print output (numbers) with "%" in the beginning shows that not enough positions has to be declared (at all or before the decimal point). : Example:<pre>10 figure=12345678920 word$="Hello"30 print using "+**,##########";figure40 print using "\ \";word$ creates following output: *****+12,345,679Hel</pre>
==== <code>WAIT add, i1[,i2]</code> ====