
Main Page

187 bytes added, 15:30, 28 October 2007
=== CPCWiki updates ===
 * '''FCKEditor''' installed! Now you can easily edit pages. Please report any functionality issues. You can also ''deactivate it in your user preferences.''* '''[[VideoUpload|VIDEO EMBEDDING]] enabled for the wiki! Woo-hoo!!!'''* '''[[Special:MultipleUpload|MULTIPLE FILE UPLOAD FORM]] installed. For the time being it doesn't work alright when put in the sidebar...'''
* '''MediaWiki v.1.11.0''' installed. Please report any unwanted behavior!
* '''Breadcrumbs extension''' installed - shows your visit path under the title. Useful for browing around!  :)* Maintenance:
** Spambot users blocked (if you're blocked by mistake, please visit the forum and ask us to unblock you)
** CPCWiki software updated to 1.10.0
* Due to increasing spam posts, '''anonymous posting has now been blocked'''. Please log in to post or edit!
* Add the CPCWiki to '''your Homepage'''. Check out [[About#Wiki-Napping]] and start napping this Wiki.
&lt;/div&gt;<div style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: .5em 1em .5em; border: 1px solid #e4dede; background-color: #f9f9f9;">[[Image:World-map.gif|200px|right|200px]]</div>
=== Where are you from? ===