
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

427 bytes added, 13:52, 27 February 2017
/* uIDE disk image */
There is a disk image of CP/M software that you can download here: [TBD]
It is a copy of the N8VEM image, with the PCW uIDE driver loaded, as well as some PCW specific files (on drive C:, User 0) and additional games.  === Image contents ===The image contains the following (where the number is the USER number - see below).
Note: The original N8VEM downloads are here (including manuals for many of the included programs):
To transfer this onto === Copying to an IDE device, you will need ===I use a special cable setup:to connect a DOM to my PC via USB for image transfers.
[[File:IDE imaging cable.JPG|1000px||centre|]]
'''The various parts are labelled:'''
# IDE-USB adapter. Get this from any online auction site.
# Power connection (if your IDE-USB adapter doesn't supply power to IDE pin 20). Pin 20 is the red wire, +5v. Pin 19 is GND. I use a 2 pin PCB header to connect to the female IDC connector.
# Cable. This is a simple 40 way IDC ribbon cable with two cable mounted male IDC box headers and two cable mounted female IDC plugs (you only need one, for connecting power to the IDE device). The parts to make this up are freely available, and the cable can be used to connect a slave drive to uIDE.
Plug '''There are other ways to connect your IDE device to a PC:'''* If your PC has a spare IDE connector, you can plug the rig together and use win32 diskimager DOM or CF card adapter device directly into it.* If you are using a CF card, you can connect it to your PC with a standard USB-CF card adapter. Use win32diskimager.exe (on the N8VEM Disk Tools zip file) to copy the uIDE disk image to your IDE device. If you haev have Linux, you can also use '''dd''' to do this.
Then Now, follow the instructions above (the BASIC program) to retrieve the xdriver FID file from the IDE device. You should now be able to explore the disk image.
''Please note, this image is supplied "as-is"and the copyrights of the respective authors are acknowledged. Please ask on the PCW forum do not PM me if you encounter problems with any of the software applications- ask on the CPCWiki PCW forum (particularly where screens are not being drawn correctlyor better still, the VCF CP/M forum).I'm afraid I cannot support it directly.''
== CP/M Plus version requirements ==