
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

66 bytes added, 12:07, 17 March 2019
/* uIDE disk image and utils download */
| Making CPM Images.pdf || A very well written guide to creating CP/M images on IDE devices, written by the guys at [].
| uide.img || The PCW uIDE disk image (see below).|-| sbuIDE v0.11.img || Intertec Superbrain uIDE disk image (part of the Superbrain download package)
The Intertec Superbrain uIDE disk image is called sbuIDE v0.11.img and is distributed as part of the Superbrain download package (see "Downloads" sectiopn above). The PCW disk image is called uIDE.img and it is a copy of the N8VEM image, with the PCW uIDE driver loaded, as well as some PCW specific files (on drive C:, User 0) and additional games.
=== Image contents ===