
Locomotive BASIC

543 bytes added, 20:03, 13 September 2012
/* WINDOW */
: [...]
==== <code>WINDOW#STREAM,L,R,T,B</code> ====: [It is possible to define in BASIC eight (8) independent windows for text output.Overlapping is possible: #STREAM: eight window are possible. No. zero (0) is the main window where error or status messages were put out by default.: each position is included inside the window: L = left column / R = right column (dependent of the mode 0 = 20 / 1 = 40 / 2 = 80): T = top row / B = bottom row (always from 1 to 25) : Example:<pre>MODE 1WINDOW#1,1,40,1,6</pre>: ...defines the first top quarter of the screen for window No.]1
==== <code>WRITE [#st,] v[$], v[$]</code> ====