
Divine Megademo

693 bytes added, 12:59, 19 March 2008
'''Divine Megademo''' is a demo by [[Antoine]], [[Odiesoft]] and [[Mage]] of [[Garbage Performers]]
This demo contains Art by MaDe who was already gone from the scene at the developping time. The demo was released "as is" in 1996, since&nbsp; Antoine and Mage had lost most of desire to CPC.
This demo contains Art by MaDe who was already gone from the scene at the developping time.<br>
Among bad points that could be mentionnend about Divine&nbsp;:
- the menu was not finished&nbsp;: especially smoothing the landscape and improving ergonomy to avoid starting the menu from the beginning&nbsp;;
- al least one part was never completed&nbsp;:&nbsp; [[A Coding Lesson|A_Coding_Lesson]] by Antoine (and another part developped but never released)&nbsp;;<br>
- texts from differents part were quite out of date (most were to be used only during testing).<br>
Did you know that the name Divine was choosen by Mage after Hughes Grant "met" Divine Brown&nbsp;?
Release date: 1996