
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

340 bytes added, 12:29, 13 March 2017
/* Information for self builders */
Curiously, I received a new batch of TI SN74LS02s that work with uIDE-8, so perhaps you should try any you have in your parts box first. However, if in doubt, choose a '''74F02''' or known working type shown above. If you find working types that are not listed, or are shown as not compatible, please let me know so I can update the list.
As a result of this investigation, the BOM was updates updated to specify a '''74F02''' for U2. === PCW Expansion Port adapter Video Circuit Q1 (transistor) ===Q1 of the PCW Expansion Port adapter video circuit is specified as a BC237 NPN small signal transistor. However, I discovered that the BC549 used on the uIDE-8 board can also be used in the video circuit. You may find other equivalent transistors will do the job here, too.
== Pictures of the built boards ==