
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

209 bytes added, 16:46, 9 March 2017
/* BASIC program to load the driver from a DOM */
=== BASIC program to load the driver from a DOM ===
If you choose to buy one of my DOMs, I can load it with the xdriver FID fileand the uIDE image I describe below. You can also download and copy the uIDE hard disk image onto your own IDE device as this has the FID loadeddriver file preloaded.
Enter the following program into BASIC and run it. It will retrieve the driver from the IDE device and write it to the currently logged-in disk. The driver file is written to the first three sectors on the IDE device, so that even if you format it, you can still use the BASIC program to restore the FID (because track 0 is reserved by the driver for future use).
* Load BASIC and enter the program. It's easier if you type AUTO 10 first. Take care with the entering of variable names, most of them have a % at the end (integer).
* Save the BASIC program down before running it. SAVE "get-xdrv.bas"
* Return to CP/M. SYSTEM* Copy get-xdrv.bas onto your boot disk and run it from the boot disk. From CP/M: BASIC get-xdrv
* You should see a progress bar as the FID is loaded from the DOM. The activity light on the uIDE should be flashing.
* Now a second progress bar comes up as the FID is being written to the floppy drive.
* When the program ends, go back return to CP/M with the SYSTEM command.* Copy Use PIP to copy the xdrv.fid file to your boot disk if not already on there.
* Reboot the PCW (use LEFT-SHIFT - EXTRA - EXIT key combination rather than the power switch, it's quicker).
* You should see the sign-on message "PCW IDE Extended Driver Copyright (C) Jon Bradbury"
* You should also see a list of available drives.
* Congratulations, your new IDE device is working!
* It is wise to make a backup of the xdrv.fid file and the BASIC retrieval program onto a separate floppy disk.
== uIDE disk image ==