
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

277 bytes added, 11:42, 26 February 2017
/* CP/M Plus version requirements */
If you find your CP/M Plus version is too old, it should be sufficient to replace the EMS file on your boot disk with a later one. The file containing CP/M is named like "JnnCPM3.EMS" or "JnnCPM3.EMT". The nn indicates the version number so for example "J14CPM3.EMS" is version 1.4. If your boot disk's CPM file has a ".EMS" extension and you want to use a file with ".EMT", just rename it (and visa-versa).
=== PCW8000 series CP/M versions ===
You can download a ZIP file with the later CP/M EMS/EMT files here:;attach=21897
For the 8256 / 8512 machines, I recommend the v1.15 EMT file.
== Connecting a CF card to uIDE instead of a DOM ==