
Converted GX4000 Software

443 bytes added, 13:30, 27 September 2016
||[[Defend Or Die]]|| 1985 || Alligata Software ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start Game<br/>Joypad 1 Button 2 for Bombs<br/>Joypad 2 Button 1 for Hyperspace<br/>Joypad 2 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause<br/>Console Pause Button to Reset Game || [[Media:Defend Or Die.rar | Defend Or Die.rar]]
||[[Defenders Of The Earth]]|| 1990 || Enigma Variations ||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Press the console pause button to call for help<br/>Pause with Joypad 2 Button 1, unpause with Joypad 1 Button 1<br/>Quit game with Joypad 2 Button 2<br/>Keys Q,A,O,P changed to A, Z, K, L for PLUS Users. Space to Fire, P to call for Help, G to Pause, Space to unpause, F to Abort.|| [[Media:Defenders Of The Earth.rar | Defenders Of The Earth.rar]]
||[[Deflektor]]|| 1987 || Gremlin Graphics Software ||No|| Converted by dragon<br/>Don't forget to select Joystick before starting || [[Media:Deflektor.rar | Deflektor.rar]]