
Converted GX4000 Software

No change in size, 18:18, 3 May 2015
||Pipemania|| 1990 || Empire || No||Converted by CraigsBar<br />Needs two joysticks to pass the start bit<br />High Score entry isn't joystick compatible but you can just hit the Pause/use Joy 2 to get past that || [[Media:Pipemania.cpr | Pipemania.cpr]]
||Puzznic|| 1991 || Loricels Ocean Software || NoYes (Palette)|| Converted by CraigsBar [[Kevin_Thacker | Arnoldemu]] and BDCIron || [[Media:QuadrelPuzznic.CPR cpr | QuadrelPuzznic.cpr]]
||Quadrel|| 1990 || Ocean Software Loricels || Yes (Palette)No|| Converted by [[Kevin_Thacker | Arnoldemu]] and BDCIron CraigsBar || [[Media:PuzznicQuadrel.cpr CPR | PuzznicQuadrel.cpr]]
||Rampage|| 1987 || Activision || No || Converted by CraigsBar<br />Only one player, as player 2 and 3 need Keyboard || [[Media:Rampage.cpr | Rampage.cpr]]