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Format:SNA snapshot file format

772 bytes added, 08:26, 21 August 2014
/* Memory block chunks */
== Memory block chunks ==
Chunk name: MEM0..MEM8. 64K is stored per blockThere may be 1 or more of these memory blocks.
Chunk name: MEM0 for Standard 64k.MEM1 to .MEM8 for memory expansion bank.
If a chunk exists for that Each block, this means the memory is stored compressedrepresents 64K.
MEM0 describes the standard on-board 64k.MEM1...MEM8 for memory expansion bank. The MEM1..MEM8 memory blocks map to RAM expansions:* MEM1 = extra 64KB ram in CPC6128 or 6128Plus* MEM1-4 = 256KB dk'tronics compatible ram expansion* MEM5-8 = 256KB dk'tronics silicon disk compatible Other RAM expansions have the full 512KB such as the X-MEM. These map to MEM1-MEM8.  If a chunk exists in the snapshot that means that memory is stored compressed. It is possible to have a snapshot with 64KB base ram uncompressed and additional banks compressed, but it's advised to either use MEM chunks or store the memory uncompressed in the V2 style. The memory size in the snapshot refers to the amount of uncompressed V2 style memory that is in the snapshot. If the memory is described only by chunks it is 0.If there is both uncompressed and compressed data then the compressed data takes priority over the uncompressed data. I.e. handle the uncompressed data first then the compressed data.
A RLE compression is used with 0x0e5 as the control byte.
Examplei.e. <control byte>, <count>, <byte> Examples:
Uncompressed = Compressed
11 22 33 = 11 22 33
E5 03 11 = 11 11 11