
Locomotive BASIC

669 bytes added, 11:35, 5 October 2012
/* SAVE */
: Runs the current program, optionally starting at a given line. If no line number is given, starts at the first line.
==== <code>SAVE"filename" [,filetype][,paramter1,parameter2,parameter3]</code> ====: [Command saves the current BASIC program / content from RAM onto a storage medium (e.g.Tape, Disc) : Filetype could be:* ''',A''' for a ASCII file* ''',B''' for a binary file (store RAM content as it is)* ''',P''' for a regular, ''protected'' BASIC file: without that parameter the content will be stored as a regular BASIC file :The three parameters after filetype could be used in combination with the binary filetype (,B).]* '''''parameter1''''' defines the starting address of memory range* '''''parameter2''''' defines the length (range of memory)* '''''parameter3''''' defines the entry point (optional)
==== <code>SOUND</code> ====