
Locomotive BASIC

321 bytes added, 19:54, 13 September 2012
/* LIST [‹line number›][-[‹line number›]] */
: [...]
==== <code>LIST </code>[‹line number›][<code>-</code>[‹line number›]] , #STREAM ====
: A command for listing the Basic program code.
: Possibility for manipulating display is using line numbers with a minus symbol.
LIST 100-
: List every line after line number 100.
LIST -100
: List every line until line number 100 has reached.
LIST 100-200
: List every line between line number 100 and 200 included[: With the help of seperate window definitions it is possible to print out long listings, better differents parts / slices of it into different window predefined: Example:<pre>LIST 1000-1100,#1LIST 3000-3100,#2</pre>: ...]prints out two parts of one program out into two windows (if they are defined well)
==== <code>LOAD ‹file name›[<code>,</code>‹address›] ====