

26 bytes added, 07:51, 15 November 2011
/* Extra info for interest regarding Earl White, the person who set up Amstrad Australia and managed the technical support division. He previously worked with AWA */
==== Extra info for interest regarding Earl White, the person who set up Amstrad Australia and managed the technical support division. He previously worked with AWA ====
Does not give the years unfortunately, but mentions Amstrad & Mitsubishi AWA...<br>...<br>Earl WHITE - Access International Biographies<br>...<br>
Earl WHITE, Managing Director - Pacific Rim, Sydney Office.
Mr. White set up Quarterdeck Australia in July 1992 and took over as General Manager in July 1995.Under his direction,
He acquired his Bachelors of Science ( Hons ) in computing , maths and physics from the Macquaria University, Australia.
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