
Locomotive BASIC

259 bytes added, 12:34, 19 September 2011
/* AFTER ‹time delay›[,‹timer number›] GOSUB ‹line number› */
==== <code>AFTER </code>‹time delay›[<code>,</code>‹timer number›]<code> GOSUB </code>‹line number› ====
: Waits for ‹time delay›/50 seconds and then jumps to the subroutine at ‹line number›. There are 4 delay timers from 0 to 3 which can be specified with ‹timer number›. If omitted ‹timer number› defaults to 0.
: In the case of parallel task has 3 the highest and 0 the lowest priority.
: With DI or EI you can disable or enable the timing interrupt. With REMAIN <timer number> you can also disable an AFTER or EVERY construct and stores the "remaining" time (> REMAIN)
==== <code>AUTO </code>[‹line number›][<code>,</code>‹increment›] ====