
Black Tiger CPC-Spectrum Comparison

153 bytes added, 23:43, 1 May 2011
/* What If ? */
*As the sprites are 1bpp + 1bpp mask , this means that if properly recoded in 2bpp they use the exact same amount of DATA in RAM, but could then be in 3 colours, 4th colour being used as mask, s used in super wonderboy (this is not shown on mock up)
*Also it may be possible to apply some king of "attribute colour " on the tiles so the Bacjground Background and Foregroundtiles, while still being 1bpp/2 colours... could you may be say... 2 different colours able to set the ink (other than black) into one of the 3 other inks (from the Mode1 palette) as shown)on the Map Mockup.
*then Then get rid of Rasters interrupts/palette changeto gain some CPU or even the few RAM needed by such routine..
There, you have a better version than the speccy one.