Secondly, I prefer not to put instructions into programs. It seems a waste of programming space when you can tell the reader in the preceding paragraph how to play the game. It is therefore advisable to read any information on a particular program before you play it.
Finally, I would like to say that these programs are not only for you to enjoy but also to learn from. If you have never written your own games, following how the shorter programs work will tell you a lot. For the intermediate games programmer, there are a number of useful hints and tips to pick up along the way.<br>
Clive Gifford,<br>
London, October, 1984
The games in this section are all very playable. I have avoided slow versions of well-known games. I wrote several others but they were not fast enough to be enjoyable. Several require joystick control but only one joystick, so you don't have to buy the special duel joystick adaptor just to play them.
Type them in, play them and Happy Zapping!<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Danger UXB | Quack Attack | Diamond Thief | Bomb Catch | Brick Out | City Sacrifice'''<br>
One of the main reasons for the popularity of adventure games is the way the player can escape reality and be plunged into a different situation to his or her own. Some situations are definitely mythical (though no one can be totally sure that Middle Earth is not inhabited by hobbits and trolls) while others are based on more down-to-earth situations, such as one of the adventures in this chapter, which is based around an office block.
Escaping from our every day lives along with the fun of trying to solve puzzles, lies at the heart of adventure games.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''City Of Atlantis | The Steinberg Files | Character Generator'''</center>
I must thank Tim Hartnell, the very well-known computer author, programmer and publisher for providing the basic versions of these programs which were converted to the Amstrad computer. Tim has produced some excellent algorithms and has kept the programs as short as possible while keeping the games as close to the originals and making the computer a tough player to beat.
These games require plenty of thought to play. Touches of Amstrad colour, sound and graphics have been added to liven them up. I'm sure you will find them exciting and worthwhile to play.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Chess | Reversi (Othello) | Gomoku | Four In A Row | Checkers/Draughts'''</center>
Here are a few shorter games. They are less complex than most others in this book, but I've added them in for a purpose. Apart from being fun to play, they are games which you can easily extend and improve. One of the best ways to learn to program is to enter other peoples' programs into your computer and then try to add your own features.
The programs in this chapter are ideal for the purpose. But don't think they are just included here for that reason. Type them in and play them. You will find them all entertaining as they are. However, once you have played them for a while, you can try and add some extra graphics or sound. Add extra features such as high scores.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Sniper | Matchstick Men | Pitch 'N Put | Needle In The Haystack | ROM Bug'''</center>
These are games of mental logic and concentration; luck is of only minor importance as you battle with the difficult problems that your Amstrad sets for you.
Many of the earlier computer games were of this variety as the early machines lacked the speed, graphics and prolific memory requirements which are demanded by the games of today. Don't underestimate these games, however, as they are all well worth a go and will set your mind to work when your zapping fingers need some rest.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Cube Master | Solitaire | Flippa | Echo Chamber | Scrambler | Repeat'''</center>
In this section of the book is a possible aid to your gambling resources. You can indulge in the same gambling activities using computerised cash that can be replenished simply by typing RUN.
The games in this section are based mainly on those found in the casino. The highlights of this chapter are an excellent graphical simulation of a one-armed bandit and a most realistic game of pontoon where you try your luck against the computer's skill at the card table. The cards are represented graphically in this program.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Pontoon | Double Dice | Bird Cage | Card Demonstration | Under Or Over | One-Armed Bandit'''</center>
This chapter is made up of a collection of graphic routines and displays that are fun in themselves, but with a little work, could be made part of something larger. For example, the routines could be put at the end of a game as a reward for the winning player. Another idea would be to string them all together to provide an interesting demonstration display for your friends.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Triangular Tracer | Window In/Out | Laser Fan | Lunatic Patchworks'''
In this chapter, I have looked at the two sides of computer sound, namely music and sound effects. You will find programs dealing with each.
Finishing this chapter is a fast-moving action-packed game based around collecting musical notes. It incorporates many of the effect found in the chapter.<br>
<center>'''FEATURED GAMES:'''<br>
'''Synther 464 | Star Theme | Zap/Energiser | Chopper/Rustle, Rustle | Music Composer | Music Maze'''</center>