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107 bytes added, 28 October
/* Chips */
*[! Forum thread] Reverse engineered Gate Array by Gerald from decapped chips [ Ash Evans] [ Gyorgy Szombathelyi] [ AMSGateArray] Subsequent Verilog/VHDL implementations [ Signals analysis by Bread80]
*[ ASIC and Pre-ASIC] [!/msg133264/#msg133264 Gate Array] [ Z80 CPU] [ HD6845SP CRTC] [ AY-3-8912 PSG] [ NEC D765 FDC] Die shots of decapped CPC chips. How to: [ Optically decode the ROM of a decapped chip] [ Automate ROM decoding] [ Decap, image and reverse engineer the C128 PLA chip] [ Reverse engineered Oric ULA chip]
*[ AY_FPGA] AY-3-8912 FPGA replacement with few extra features
*[ Multi-CRTC Board] Host and select between multiple CRTC chip types in one CPC