

190 bytes added, 21:39, 23 October 2024
The '''Dandanator Entertainment System ''' (DES) is a new physical support for Amstrad CPC games.
It offers greater technical capabilities for creating games and a gaming experience never seen before on CPC, add to this an incredible ease and ease of use.
[[File:Des completo.jpg]]
=Technical features=
* Connecting to the back for future expansions. Compatible with memory or other extensions. This allows you to enjoy games that require 128KB of RAM on CPC with 64KB.
* It works directly on any CPC 464, 664, 6128, 464+ and 6128+, you only need to connect it and it is functional!
* Due to the project’s compatibility Compatible with the Dandanator mini CPC, DES is also supported by ACE, RetroVirtualMachine, CPCEC, ZesarUX and DSP emulators.
* Public domain project.
=Software features=
* It allows you to select the pokes from a WinApe-compatible bookstore or introduce them manually.
* It incorporates the McLeod Ideafix test Rom.
=Circuit board=
[[File:Dandanator mini - circuit board.jpg]]
=Exclusive Games for the Dandanator=
*[ The Sword of IANNA]
*[ Los Amores de Brunilda]
=Other games for the Dandanator=
*[ CPC Soccer 22] Game also available on disk/tape
*[ Nom Wars] Game also available on disk/tape
=Game collections for the Dandanator=
Opera464 2.jpg
*[[File:Orko Ready Compil jeux 64k Version Dandanator-cpc-2.5.rom]]<gallery>Orko Ready Compil.jpg</gallery>
*[[File:Pack 1 juegos.rom]]<gallery>Pack 1 juegos.jpg</gallery>
*[[File:Top by Topo by kapitostes.rom]]<gallery>Top by Topo by kapitostes.jpg</gallery>
*[[File:Topdetops by kapitostes.rom]]<gallery>Topdetops by kapitostes.jpg</gallery>
*[[File:Winter Games.rom]]<gallery>Winter Games.jpg</gallery>
=Technical documentation=
[[File:CPC-Dandanator-mini-–-DevDoc.pdf]] CPC Dandanator mini – Development & Emulation documentation
[ Dandanator tutorials (FR)]
[[Category:Expansion ROM]]