,/* Oddities */
* On NMOS, when the indirect address crosses a page boundary, the 6502 does not add the carry to calculate the address of the high byte. For example, JMP ($19FF) will use the contents of $19FF and $1900 for the JMP address. On CMOS, this issue was fixed, at the cost of 1 additional cycle. In our example, JMP ($19FF) will use the contents of $19FF and $2000 for the JMP address.
* On NMOS, the simultaneous assertion of a hardware interrupt line and execution of BRK was not accounted for in the design — the BRK instruction will be ignored in such a case. On CMOS, this situation is correctly handled by executing BRK and then servicing the interrupt and then executing BRK.
* Some instructions, particularly those involving branches or indexed addressing modes, incur an extra cycle if the processor has to cross a memory page boundary. This is problematic for time-sensitive code.