
Connector:Analogue joystick (CPC Plus only)

667 bytes added, 23:54, 6 June 2023
[[Analog Joysticks| Analogue Joystick]] Port (15 Pin SUB-D, female) (CPC Plus only)
The Analogue CPC+ Joystick port is somewhat similar to standard PC Joystick ports - with two some important differences:
* 5V and GND are exchanged with each other, and,
* on CPC+ the buttons must be connected to a "select" line (instead of to GND).
* The ADC hardware in the CPC works only with 180kΩ potentiometers (unlike the software counters in PCs, which works with different types, in range 10K...300kΩ, or so)
'''Caution''' - there is no resistor in the supply lines - the 5V/GND pins connect directly to the computers '''2.4 Ampere''' power supply - so, there's a good chance that the CPCs reversed polarity will '''destroy''' any electronics (electrolyte capacitors, auto-fire circuits, etc) in connected PC joysticks.
Pin CPC+ PC ________________________
15 GND (Pot common) +5V (Soundblaster: Midi RxD)
* Two analogue joysticks could be connected by using an Y-cable. The Fire signals are the same as for the normal (digital) joystick port. Joystick 1 buttons should be connected to Pin 2,4,6, and joystick 2 buttons to Pin 10,12,14. Like the digital [[Joystick Y-cables]] the analog Y-cable should have '''diodes''' in the button lines(there are no diodes between pins 7+14 and 2+10 the mainboard).* The A/D inputs have an input range of 0V (data = 00) to 2.5V (data = 3Fh), and an input impedance of 180k 180kΩ to VccV<sub>cc</sub>.
==Softwares Software using Analog Joystick==
*[[Tennis Cup 2 ( Cartridge )]] allows player 2 to use Analog port.
==Compatible Models == *[[Amstrad Analogue Joystick AJ-5]]*[[Sinclair SPJ-1]] [[Category:HardwarePeripherals]][[Category:CPC Internal Components]][[Category:CPC Plus|*]][[Category:Input Device]]