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10 bytes added, 09:00, 21 July 2020
COSMOS runs under [[CP/M|CP/M 2.2]], (the Dobbertin 63 KB TPA version) and is built upon the mouse - based graphics user interface (GUI) as pioneered by Xerox at Palo Alto and popularized by Apple with the Lisa and Macintosh computers.<br>
A full project of COSMOS can hardly run on a standard CPC6128 as it requires approximately 300 KB of disc space.<br> The suggested configuration refers In order to run COSMOS properly, use the "personal computerPersonal Computer" configuration of the CPC: <br><br>
128 KB RAM, <br>
256-512 KB RAM expansion, <br>
Color monitor (for the screen saver).<br><br>
Notice: Prior to installing the annual project, install a demo project using Setup utility in order to become familiar with the COSMOS user interface and functions. As far as the controls are concerned, use Cursor keys or Mouse to control the pointer. [F0] key simulates the left button of the mouse. [F.] key simulates the right button of the mouse. Use left button for (Yes). Use right button for (No),(Next) or (On-Board) help. ESC key to escape. <br><br> Download the latest version (v.25/2020) using the link below. <br>
Download the latest version (v.25/2020) using the link below. Boot CP/M using original COSMOS disk and execute A>SETUP.COM <br>