
464Plus Conversion

506 bytes added, 01:39, 10 December 2017
/* Jonathanen's Easy Way To 464+ Conversion */
* Its very easy and I was right all the long. Also, I both find it out and experiment it all by myself, easy and very simple way to upgrade Amstrad [ CPC 464+] to CPC 6128+ spec without the need to get your hands dirty - no soldering required!
* Even its works perfectly on the Amstrad 464+ with a [[Rombo_Rombox|Rombo 8 Socket ROM Box]], but you'll need "Widget - Plus to edge connector" ([[Expansion_Converter|UK/DE Expansion Converter]]) after I tested everything out completely, like (my very favourite testing stage for 3.5” disc drive) booting up CP/M Plus disc in drive A with no disc in drive B to make sure that 3.5” disc drive has a [[Adding_3.5"_drive_to_CPC464#3.5.22_READY_Signal_Test|"READY" signal]] by seeing “2 disc drives” on the screen when starting up CP/M Plus. Transferring DSK files back and fourth to PC via [ Dos-Copy v1] by [[Face_Hugger|Andreas Stroiczek]] ([[DOS_Copy_Crime|DOS Copy/Crime 1.3]]) and back to CPCvia [ DSK-CPC.BAS] from [ Disks utilities for Amstrad CPC] web site or [ DSK-CPC.DSK] (DSK for Emulators), using [[MS800]], [[ParaDOS]] (replaced with the existing [[AMSDOS]] / CPM bootstrap ROM inside the [[Media:Gerald_DDI-1_MF0004B.jpg|disc interface]]) & CP/M Plus to format, copy discs onto 3.5” disc as well.
* I was both very proud and over excited as it works like a dream, as I exactly always wanted for a long, long time. Speaking of which, I prefer to use upgraded 464+ more than unexpanded 6128+ as unlike the CPC 664 / 6128, the CPC6128+ does not have a cassette connector (the CPC6128+ is missing the hardware required for cassette support), and therefore it is not possible to use cassette software without modification to the computer.