File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:48, 31 July 2016 M4FIRM (file) 263 KB   1
10:27, 5 September 2016 Lower6128 (file) 13 KB Modified lower rom for M4 board CPC6128 users. 1
01:24, 10 October 2016 M4FIRM (file) 267 KB   2
18:09, 3 December 2016 Os6128 mod (file) 13 KB M4 board modified lowerrom spanish 1
18:10, 3 December 2016 Os6128 mod (file) 13 KB M4 Board modified lowerrom French. 1
18:30, 3 December 2016 Os6128 mod (file) 13 KB M4 Board lower rom modification Danish. Key z corrected by Jonny Olsen. 1
10:18, 6 December 2016 M4config6128.jpg (file) 232 KB Example rom configuration of M4 on CPC6128 1
08:34, 15 January 2017 M4FIRM (file) 271 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.0 release version. 1
09:29, 5 February 2017 M4FIRM (file) 272 KB   1
10:50, 14 March 2017 M4FIRM (file) 273 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.2 1
06:05, 6 June 2017 M4FIRM (file) 276 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.3 1
18:20, 14 March 2018 M4FIRM (file) 289 KB v2.0.4 release version 1
00:03, 8 May 2021 M4 Firmware V2.0.5 (file) 295 KB   1
00:05, 8 May 2021 M4FIRM (file) 295 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.5 1
00:06, 8 May 2021 M4FIRM (file) 295 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.6 1
00:06, 8 May 2021 M4FIRM (file) 295 KB M4 Firmware v2.0.7 1
00:20, 8 May 2021 ROMUP464.BIN (file) 33 KB Auto installer for Basic 1.1 (ENGLISH) and set M4 rom to 7 for CPC464's. 1
00:29, 8 May 2021 M4LOW-EN.BIN (file) 17 KB Auto installer for 6128 modified lower rom ENGLISH 1
00:30, 8 May 2021 M4LOW-FR.BIN (file) 17 KB Auto installer for 6128 modified lower rom FRENCH 1
00:30, 8 May 2021 M4LOW-SP.BIN (file) 17 KB Auto installer for 6128 modified lower rom Spanish 1