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Australian Personal Computer

1 byte removed, 06:21, 18 April 2017
* Hardware reviews (new models etc)
Amstrad CPC content appeared was first meant to appear in June May 1985 (although, but due to some mix up the May 1985 issue says there is an Amstrad Typemaiden type-in in the contents page when it doesndidn't) appear until June 1985 and content continued until January 1988. Only CPC content is shown in the below magazine scans.
The magazine still exists today and caters for the modern computing scene. It is known as APC magazine.
<gallery caption="Australian Personal Computer (APC)">
Image:APC_Nov_84.jpg|APC Nov 1984
Image:APC_May 85.jpg|[[APC May 1985]]
Image:APC_June85.png|[[APC Jun 1985]]
Image:APC_Aug_85.jpg|[[APC Aug 1985]]