
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

312 bytes added, 22:18, 15 February 2017
uIDE-8 was prototyped and tested successfully on the PCW 9512. A FID based driver has been written that supports Amstrad CP/M and Locoscript (but it cannot cold boot the machine).
'''Update 05/07/17:'''As a result, the The first batch of 10 uIDE-8 boards has been ordered but I found that there was an error in the order that will make them unusable, so I added the following to my original order:
* 10 uIDE-8s (corrected)
* 10 Z80 LHS Shims
* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite"
'''Update 13/02/17: ''' All boards have been re-ordered with expedited shipping, including uIDE-16. Some layouts were altered slightly. I still need to build one uIDE-16 and CPC CP/M Plus drivers for testing. The order comprises of:
* 10 uIDE-16
* 10 6128 expansion port to Z80 bus adapters
* 20 uIDE-8
* 20 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite"
== Feature list ==
Choose the one that fits best inside your machine. A CPC6128 needs the left hand shim, although space is very tight under the keyboard (the processor sits directly behind the expansion port) and it's not known yet whether it will fit properly. PCW machines have more space, so either shim should fit.
'''Important:''' Check your machine has a socketed Z80 before ordering a shim (you should open it up anyway to decide which shim gives the best mounting solution). If the Z80 does not have a socket and you are not willing to desolder the Z80 and fit a socket to the machine, then a shim is not the solution for you.