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Amstrad Action August 1990 Type-Ins

2,065 bytes added, 12:45, 18 August 2016
Created page with "The following listings were published in the August 1990 issue of ''[[Amstrad Action]]'': === Type-Ins === * MultiRAM (Andrew Price) * LBASE (Paul Dwerryhouse) * Poke-It (Gr..."
The following listings were published in the August 1990 issue of ''[[Amstrad Action]]'':

=== Type-Ins ===

* MultiRAM (Andrew Price)
* LBASE (Paul Dwerryhouse)
* Poke-It (Graeme Rowles)
* Maxi-RSX (Graeme Rowles) '''NB 464 only'''

== Notes ==

* '''MultiRAM''' is a utility to let you store programs on the internal 8K RAM of a Multiface 2. Two RSXs are set up to put the program into the RAM and to page them back so they can be run:
''|MULT,start,length'' puts the code at the specified address and length into the Multiface RAM
''|MRON'' pages the Multiface 2 RAM so that the program can be run. Typing MRON followed by CALL &3B12 runs the code in RAM.
'''Note''' that any program stored and run from the Multiface should have na origin of &3B12, this is the lowest possible address to use. The Multiface reserves the memory below this for its own use, leaving you 5.5K to play with.

* '''LBASE''' is controlled using COPY and the cursor keys.

* '''Poke-It''' is a Multiface-type poking replacement. When run, the program installs two RSXs ''|INSTALL'' and ''|RUN''. The first sets up the routine for use. Now run your game but don't use control+enter if loading from tape.

When the game has loaded press the small enter key; the screen should clear and you will be prompted with '''Enter addr''' (type in the address in hex). Then you will be prompted for the byte. Finally confirm with Y or press N, then the space bar. The graphics may distort but this cannot be helped.

If pressing the small enter key has no effect, load the game using ''|RUN''. This only works for binary files on tape.

* '''Maxi-RSX''' installs 18 RSXs. It is titled ''Maxi-RAM'' in the magazine but this appears to be a mistake as the listing's first line states MAXI-RSX

== Download ==

* [[|DSK file]]

== Screenshots ==

<center><gallery style="clear: both">

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[[Category:Amstrad Action Type-Ins]]