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GEOS mouse

28 bytes added, 19:47, 23 November 2015
To make the usage of the Commodore more modern, GEOS was invented in an attempt to mimic the most common Graphical User Interfaces of the time ([[GEM]] and [[Mac OS]]). To make the interaction with GEOS like that of its counterparts a mouse had to be supplied with GEOS. This mouse although designed for the Commodore 64 can be connected to an Amstrad CPC and be used with the operating system [[FutureOS]], as drivers for the GEOS mouse apparently already exists in [[FutureOS]].
== Tech details ==
* The mouse is connected to a joystick port using an adapter
* The adapter provides the needed additional power supply
* The mouse is joystick compatible
[[File:Geos screenshot.png]]
GEOS for the Commodore 64
== Unknown tech details ==
* The mouse does connect to joystick port?
* Needs additional power supply connection?
* Accessed how by software?
== Links ==