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Guidelines for Programming games

40 bytes removed, 17:34, 15 March 2013
* If you are using overscan, consider that the position of the screen may not be the same on all monitors, so a method to centralise it before the game starts, or in the options of the game.
* It should be possible to redefine the keys to the choice the user wants, or to be able to choose from a preset list. Good key "presets" are cursors and space xor copy (good for CPC6128 and Plus more awkward for 464 and 664):  Directions = Up, q for upDown, Left, Right  Directions: Cursors Fire: Space OR copy  Directions: Q, a for downA, o for leftO, p for right and space for fire.P Fire: Space
* Games should support the FIRE 2 button for gamepads/joysticks. Maybe the player character needs to be able to jump, and then UP is used for this. And that is ok. Just don't forget to include the FIRE 2 button for jumping as well.