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Amstrad LP-1 light pen

53 bytes added, 18:08, 24 February 2010
/* Technical */
Connects to the Joystick port (not to the Lightpen input on the Expansion Port).
Light Sensor --> Keyboard.Row9.Bit1 (aka Joystick Down) (0=Light, 1=No Light)
Keyboard.Row9 is constantly held LOW during lightpen access
Keyboard.Row6 is constantly held HIGH during lightpen access
Keyboard.Colums aka PSG.Ext.PortA are configured as inputs aka HIGH-Z
The above LOW and HIGH (or HIGH-Z) levels seem to be misused as power supply GND and 5V. There seems to be no power-supply required for the CPC version (unlike the ZX Spectrum version, which connects to cassette EAR port, and which requires an external 9V battery).
'''The pin-outs are unknown?''' * One pin is probably used as Light Sensor, but which?* Other pins might be used as power supply (needing to drag some pins HIGH and others LOW by software) (or does it contain a battery)?** Software seems to indicate it has a battery..? *** Rather not: The spectrum version connects to As seen on the spectrum EAR socket package and to a huge 9V battery (advert, both the amstrad version doesn't seem to have any such 9V plug)* There seems to be no additional button (like on LightLP-guns)?* According to the advert 1 and package, the CAD-MASTER light pen works pens work with '''colour monitor only''' ("pour moniteur couleur uniquement"), ie. not with green screens.
== Pictures ==