/* EPROMs */
27C4001 32 512K LK6 (A15=A15=Address) LK3 (A17=A17=Address) LK2 (A18=A18=Address)
Some cartridge PCBs don't have any LKs installed, instead, the etched circuit has hardwired connections between some of them. One could scratch them off, and then use the LK soldering points to reconfigure the board for eproms of other size.
== Protection ==
The EPROMs aren't encrypted, making it very easy to dump their content, or to replace them by other EPROMs. However, all (system and game) cartridges must contain an ACID chip, otherwise the CPC+/GX4000 refuses to work.
* For details, on the chip see [[ACID]].
All game cartridges (and the system cartridge shipped with the 464+/6128+) include an ACID chip, so, with with limited soldering skills, it's extremely easy to reuse that chip with other EPROMs. So, the protection doesn't prevent piracy or homebrew programming. It's only preventing commercially produced unlicensed games (which are more than unlikely to be sold with instructions saying to "de-solder your ACID chip before using this game").
== Misc ==