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Talk:Sprites Multiplexing

3 bytes added, 15:03, 8 October 2009
*Sorry for this one, but the subject can be quite interesting...
but I admit i'm not good in Codes so if peoples could improve this ?
*True it is interesting. I've tried do the same kind of multiplexing that can be seen on the c64, but so far it wasn't as successful as I hoped. [[Arnoldemu]]
* cannot be done as on a C64, because to change the data of a Hard Sprite take fare longer for the Amsttrad.
Yet it can be well used on multi level Plateforms(if few animations, as in a Mario-like game) or Shooters (most animations use only 2-3 frames... so with only 2-3 sprites slots you can get a full vertical/diagonal wave of enemies.