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Format:VID (SymbOS video files)

91 bytes added, 11:02, 27 February 2024
/* Web links */ download link moved
movinflen ds 3 ;total number of frames (24bit); the total number of seconds must not be above 65535
;*** frame specific
movinfxln dw 0 ;frame width (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit0]==0)movinfyln dw 0 ;frame height (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit0]==0)movinfmod db 0 ;screen mode (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit1]==0) [1=4colours, 7=16colours] *** MUST BE 1 or 7 ***movinfcol ds 2*16 ;colour table -> 16 x 12bit cpc plus colours (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit2]==0)*** IGNORED ***
movinfsiz dw 0 ;size of each frame in bytes without header (only valid, if movinfcrn==0);
;total size with optional header MUST be divideable by 512!
;### 128 byte frame header
;### only existing, if movinfflg>0 and movinfcrn>0; otherwise the bitmap data is starting directly
frminfxln dw 0 ;frame width (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit0]==1)frminfyln dw 0 ;frame height (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit0]==1)frminfmod db 0 ;screen mode (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit1]==1)frminfcol ds 2*16 ;colour table -> 16 x 12bit cpc plus colours (only valid, if movinfdynmovinfflg[bit2]==1)
frminfsiz dw 0 ;size of this frame in bytes without header (only valid, if movinfcrn!=0)
frminfact ds 4 ;byte0=action -> 0=continue playing, 1=stop movie here (byte1=reason), 2=jump to frame [byte1-3]
==Web links==
* [ ?3 VID file downloads]