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203 bytes added, 10:44, 6 September 2024
/* TV / Monitors */
=== TV / Monitors ===
* [[Convert an MP1 into an MP2|Converting an MP1 into an MP2]]
* [[LCD And Plasma TV Solution|Getting a CPC to work with an LCD or plasma TV]]
* [[PCAI_Video_Texting_(DIY)|PCAI Video Modulator]]
* [[RGB_SVideo|RGB to S-Video Converter]]
* [[TV SCART cable|TV SCART cables]]
* [[Connecting the CPC to a VGA monitor - CPC2VGA|CPC2VGA - Connecting the CPC to a compatible VGA monitor]]
* [[LCD monitor and LCD TV Solution (RGB)|modern LCD monitor and LCD TV Solution (RGB)]]
* [[LCD And Plasma TV Solution|Getting a CPC to work with an old LCD or plasma TV]]
=== Others ===