,/* Installation */
** (US): [!/ USIfAC II]
** (S3): [ Symbiface III]<br />
{||-|[[File:hdcpm-s2.png|framelessthumb|HDCPM ROM - SYMBiFACE II]] |[[File:hdcpm-ui.png|framelessthumb|HDCPM ROM - uIDE-16]] |[[File:hdcpm-m4.png|framelessthumb|HDCPM ROM - M4 Board]] |[[File:hdcpm-us.png|framelessthumb|HDCPM ROM - USIfAC II]] |[[File:hdcpm-s3.png|framelessthumb|HDCPM ROM - Symbiface III]]<br /><br />|}
In case a RTC is detected you will also see the RTC initialization message and the current date and time: 'RTC found: 2021/01/01 12:01'
* Use your original CP/M Plus system disk set to Boot CP/M Plus.