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Amstrad Action July 1990 Type-Ins

80 bytes added, 10:43, 8 June 2019
/* Notes */
* '''MusicFX:''' Follow the prompts, use space to mark the repeat point in the pattern, and X to get to the keyboard display.
* '''Bounce:''' Use cursor keys (left/right/up) or joystick. AA published further amendments in AA60 Forum to create a workable 464 version.
* '''BankSwop:''' This utility lets you have four BASIC listings in memory simultaneously. Each can be up to 16k in length. The command ''|BANK,x'' swaps between them. When initiated bank 1 is selected. On execution of the |BANK command, the BASIC program is saved into the currently selected bank. Then the new BASIC program is loaded from the new bank. The four banks are numbered 1-4.