All boards are in production.
'''Update 01/02/17:'''As of now uIDE-16 is in the design phase, but the boards have been laid out. Click the images around the page for a closer look.uIDE-8 was prototyped and tested successfully on the PCW 9512. A FID based driver has been written that supports Amstrad CP/M and Locoscript (but it cannot cold boot the machine). '''Update 05/02/17:'''The first batch of 10 uIDE-8 boards has been ordered but I found that there was an error in the order that will make them unusable, so I added the following to my original order:* 10 uIDE-8s (corrected)* 10 Z80 LHS Shims* 10 Z80 RHS Shims* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter with composite video* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite" '''Update 13/02/17:''' All boards have been re-ordered with expedited shipping, including uIDE-16. Some layouts were altered slightly. I still need to build one uIDE-16 and CPC CP/M Plus Superbrain QD drivers for testing. The order comprises of:* 10 uIDE-16* 10 6128 expansion port to Z80 bus adapters* 10 Z80 LHS Shims* 10 Z80 RHS Shims* 10 PCW Expansion port adapter with composite video* 20 uIDE-8* 20 PCW Expansion port adapter "lite" '''Update 18/02/17:''' The first three uIDE prototype boards have arrived from OSH Park. They are very, very pretty. I built two of them and they both work. See the forum thread linked to below for details and pictures.Note: The boards I will provide will be red or blue (but mostly blue). '''Update 26/02/17:'''I wrote a small BASIC program that allows you to retrieve the driver file from one of my DOMs. You can use this to get the driver onto your PCW if you have no other way to transfer files from a PC. See further down the page, and prepare to do a bit of typing! '''Update 01/03/17 (1):''' There is a problem with the uIDE-8 boards which will require replacing Q1, R5 and R6 with a small single inverter IC. An additional two jump wires will be required to connect the other 2 legs of the IC. Pictures to follow. '''Update 01/03/17: (2)''' There is a problem with the uIDE-16 boards which prevents the 8-bit addressing mode from working. The workaround is to cut two tracks on the underside of the board and fit two jumper wires. You only need to do this if you want to use the 8-bit addressing mode - if you are going to fit uIDE-16 to a CPC machine, there's no need to alter the board. Pictures of this alteration are on [ the CPC6128 uIDE-16 thread]. '''Update 01/03/17: (3)''' Both LHS and RHS shims passed testing. No issues. '''Update 02/03/17''' [ First successful test of uIDE-16 and 6128 expansion port adapter.] '''Update 04/03/17''' I have added a section below that lists the limitations of the device and its driver. '''Update 10/03/17''' I have added a section below that discusses the downloadable uIDE image and how to access files on it. You can use these instructions with uIDE to transfer files to/from your Z80 computer. '''Update 14/03/17''' Many Wiki page updates. New assembly advice section. BOM update. First boards dispatched to owners. '''Update 27/03/17''' More Wiki page updates, in particular the pictures of the fitted uIDE devices because they were taken with a prototype board that had different cable orientation than the production board (which has caused some confusion). Also, uploaded a new version of the "provisional" driver suite ZIP file. '''Update 08/09/17''' Added link to v1.11 PCW driver threadnow available.
== Feature list ==
* Driver supports Amstrad PCW CP/M Plus only at this time (it is implemented as a FID).
* A separate driver exists for Lifeboat CP/M 2.2 on the TRS-80 Model II that can be ported on demand to other CP/M 2.2 variants.
* Intertec Superbrain QD now fully supported.
* The CP/M driver runs the IDE device in LBA / 8 bit mode, so DOMs or CF cards are recommended (at least 128MB is recommended).
* Fully programmable I/O address decoding (via on-board jumpers). Initial I/O range (uIDE-16, for the as yet unwritten CPC driver) is FEF0-FEF7 and (uIDE-8, for the PCW driver) is C8-CF, but you can change this to suit your own hardware / driver.
| [[File:IDE SPEC.PDF|framed|IDE specification document]] || IDE Specification document, which is needed for writing IDE drivers. || [[UIDE_Universal_IDE_adapter_cards_for_Z-80_computers#More_information|More information]]
| || Intertec Superbrain QD uIDE driver installation package ||