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164 bytes added, 14:06, 6 October 2018
* Reading from the Kanji ROM ports without a Kanji ROM returns databus values
* Palette index 0 has a mask of &9F (bits for r,g,b and color key), other indices have a mask of 0x01f for just r,g,b.
* If a command wants transfers data , and it requests data to be written to the command data port, then you can't use a read, of this will not port to clear the data request. It must be a write. Similarly, if a command requests data to be read then you can use a write to clear the data request.
* If you read from a write-only register you will see data-bus value because the V9990 doesn't assert data on the bus.
* Some registers have additional bits which are not documented. The mask describes which bits are read/write and which are unchanged.