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Amstrad External Disk Drive

176 bytes added, 10:30, 6 May 2018
/* Technical Details */
Note that the drive also powered the DDI-1 interface when used together with it. Certain pins documented as N/C in the CPC664/CPC6128 manual in fact carry +5V from the drive to the controller.
The main reason for this was that you couldn't connect a standard drive with a more common format (5¼" in the beginning, 3½" later and today) and thus cheaper disks as drive A: without modifications, as the DDI-1 wouldn't work without the power fed from the FD-1.
Details on [[AMSDOS]], Amstrad's implementation of [[CP/M]] can be found in [[Soft158A:_DDI-1_Firmware_-_The_Complete_CPC_464_DOS_ROM_Specification|DDI-1 Firmware SOFT158A]].
== Pictures ==