Harrier Attack Reloaded
Harrier Attack Reloaded is an Amstrad Plus adaptation of the original Harrier Attack game by Durell and Amsoft. The original code was decompiled in WinAPE's Z80 assembler and is being developed by CPSoft (Chris Perver).
I contacted Robert White, founder and director of Durell, about the possibility of creating an Amstrad Plus version of the game using the original code. Robert was the inspiration behind Harrier Attack, while Mike Richardson was the programmer for the CPC and Spectrum versions. Robert says the the copyright for Harrier Attack was sold to Elite Games in 1987 for specific platforms, and that while Elite do hold a licence for the CPC464 version, an Amstrad Plus version should be able to be produced without difficulty. I hope to produce a physical cartridge of Harrier Attack Reloaded once the game has been completed for those who are interested.
- Fast CRTC scrolling, with a split screen for flight instruments
- Split palette MODE 1 graphics
- Multicoloured hardware sprites
- Dusk and night missions
- Redefinable keys
- Joystick enabled menu and scoreboard controls for GX4000
- Cartridge version, floppy disc and cassette versions available
- Physical tape and cartridge editions to follow
Cassette inlay card coming soon
- Download CPR for 464+/6128+/GX4000
- Download DSK for 464+/6128+
- Download CDT for 464+/6128+
- Creating Harrier Attack Reloaded PDF - How I disassembled Harrier Attack and developed the Plus version