34 Dam busters 860 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 870 PRINT"Even adjusting the sights is d ifficult because there is a strong Wind which causes your sights to move about." 880 PRINT 890 PRINT"USE THE SPACE BAR TO FIRE." 900 PRINT:PRINT 910 PRINT"Because of the power of your weapon, after 10 shots it is drained o f power and will only be ready by the next time an aeroplane attacks.Your batt le is over"; 920 PRINT"when too much water has poured through the broken Dam." 930 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" PRE SS ANY KEY TO START." 940 IF INKEYS="" THEN 940 ELSE CLS 950 RETURN 960 RESTORE 970:FOR X=360 TO 366:READ A: POKE X,A:NEXT:RESTORE: RETURN 970 DATA 205,96,187,50,111,1,201