Minelay Minelay is a maze game in which your hero runs about collecting golden eggs and avoiding the deadly mines which are scattered randomly about the maze. A fiendish little 'minelayer' scuttles around the screen in hot pursuit. Contact with this persistent creature results in instant death! Here is the good news. A number of axes are dotted around the playing area which the player can pick up and carry around. Each axe can be used both to break through maze walls and also to fend off direct attacks by the minelayer. 10 REM MINELAY 20 REM BY PAUL STANLEY 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,6:PAPER 0:PEN 1:CLS 40 GOSUB 670 50 hs=0 60 GOTO 410 70 FOR XX=-3 TO 3:SOUND 2,31+(XX*10),3:N EXT 80 LI=3 90 LOCATE 10,1:PEN 5:PRINT CHR$(232);CHR $(232);:PEN 7:PRINT"HI";HS:PEN 1 100 LOCATE X1+1,Y1+1:PRINT" ";:LOCATE X+ 1,Y+1:PRINT A$:Y1=Y:X1=X 110 X=X-(INKEY(1)=0)+(INKEY(8)=0):Y=Y-(I NKEY(2)=0)+(INKEY(0)=0) 120 X=X-(X-(1):X=X+(X>18):Y=Y-(Y-(1):Y=Y+( Y>20) 130 LOCATE X+1,Y+1:CALL 360: KY=PEEK(367 ):IF KY = 32 THEN 190 140 IF KY=231 THEN IF A$=CHR$(233) THEN 270 150 IF KY=231 THEN Y=Y1:X=X1 160 IF KY=235 THEN SOUND 1,120,3:SOUND 1 ,30,3:SC=SC+10:LOCATE 6,1:PRINT SC;:IF S C/500=SC\500 THEN LOCATE 9+LI,1:PEN 8:PR INT CHR$(232);:PEN 1:FOR G = 1 TO 5:SOUN D 1,10*G,3:NEXT:LI=LI+1