Picture Pairs This is one for the kids, testing their powers of observation and memory. There are ten pictures of various objects displayed on the screen for a few §econds. They are then hidden from view. When you choose one of the squares a picture is revealed and you must then identify the square behind which the corresponding image is hidden. If the two pictures chosen do not form a pair, they are once again hidden and no points are scored. 10 REM PICTURE PAIRS 20 REM Es MICHAEL BEWS 30 MODE I:BORDER I:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,1:INK 3,6:PAPER #1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 40 LS=100:TT=0:TS=0 50 DIM Q(20),R(20) 60 GOSUB 850 70 GOTO 560 BO REM DISPLAY PICTURE WINDOWS 90 CLS: A$="PICTURE PAIRS BY M.BEWS " 100 FOR F=1 TO 40:SOUND 1,180,3:SOUND 2 ,120,3:SOUND 1,90,3:SOUND 1,120,4:LOCATE F,I:PRINT CHR$(24); MID$(A$,F,1);CHR$(2 4);:NEXT 110 FOR K=1 TO 10 120 Z=145+9*(ASC(MID$(8$,K,1))-64) 130 X= ASC(MIDS(D$,K*2-1,1))-64:Y=ASC(MI D$(D$,K*2,1))-64 140 WINDOW #2,Q(X),Q(X)+2,R(X),R(X)+2 150 WINDOW #3,0(Y),Q(Y)+2,R(Y),R(Y)+2 160 FOR M=2 TO 3:PAPER #M,M:FOR L=0 TO e :PRINT #M,CHRS(Z+L);:NEXT L,M 170 NEXT K 180 PEN 1:LOCATE I,3:PRINT TAB(5);"1";TA B(11);"2";TAB(17);"3";TAB(23);"4";TAB(29 );.5. 190 FOR Y=1 TO 4: LOCATE 2,Y*5:PRINT CHR $(64+Y);:NEXT