108 Evolution 1 90 PRINT:PRINT"This program goes from am oeba to frog tobeaver. The next program g oes from gorilla to caveman.The fi nal one of thistrio involves the pres ent stage of evolution. Man and his t echnology." 100 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"The intention is t hat you should try thestages in the corr ect order but after each stage you are given a menu.":PEN 1 110 PEN 3:LOCATE 1,23:PRINT" PRES S ANY KEY TO CONTINUE":PEN 1 120 IF INKEY$<>" THEN 120 130 IF INKEY$="THEN 130 ELSE CLS 140 GOTO 260 150 PEN 2:LOCATE 12,1:PRINT CHR$(24);1tE V OLUTIO N";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 160 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" 170 PEN 3:LOCATE 1,5:PRINT"The first sta ge is as an amoeba";:PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(23 1);:PEN 3:PRINT"You have to eat 5 spores "PEN 1:PRINT CHR$(234);:PEN 3:PRINT"W hi le avoiding ";CHR$(24);CHR$(232);CHR$( 24);" ";"and ";:PRINT CHR$(24);CHR$(2 33);CHR$(24); leo PEN 1 190 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,10:PRINT"This is also a battle against time,for when the clo ck at the top of the screen says 0,it me ans that you have starved because you did not eat the spores in time.":PEN 1 200 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT " Use the cursor keys to move around." 210 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 220 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,22:PRINT CHR$(24);" PRESS ANY KEY TO START CHR$(24);:PEN 1 230 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 230 240 IF INKEY$=" THEN 240 ELSE CLS:GOTO 37'0 250 A=0 260 SYMBOL AFTER 231 270 SYMBOL 231,120,132,180,178,129,153,8 5,51